ISO 1400:2004, Environmental Management System

Roof Survey

Roof Survey

Serving as a protection from changing climates such as heat from the sun and heavy loads from the snow the roof need care. . . more

Floor Survey

Floor Survey

Consurv advice widely on repair works of the sub-standard floors and epoxy resins which are available on the market to consolidate existing floors rather than lifting and re-laying . . .more

Window Survey

Window Survey

Options will be offered on available films and protective coatings working in conjunction with window companies . . . more

Building Envelope

Building Envelope

Consurv advise on the most suitable options in for successful improvements of the building envelope performance and aesthetic appearance.

About Us

When conservation is a key factor we can bring our extensive experience to review Protected Structures with the ability to give accurate Historical Analysis with a view to Stone Conservation. Our teams skills make us a wise choice for Project Management and Health & Safety and Schedule of works in the Conservation field.

Get in Touch

Telephone: +353 (0) 47 80450

Conservation House, Gallagh,
Clontibret, Co. Monaghan.